Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Common Foot Issues

Your every step starts with your feet and keeping them active is essential, just like you do for your heart, joint and overall health. Our feet are exposed to various external influences, getting susceptible to various issues. Let us discuss about common foot issues and their treatment.

Bunions are a kind of lumps that are grown at the base of the big toe. A bunion sticks, causes pain and soreness, leading to discomfort while walking. The condition is aggravated if you wear tight-fitting shoes. It is important that you switch to well-fitted, roomy shoes with arch support. Insoles would be of great help. Medicated bunion-pads help relieve inflammation and pressure.

Corns and Calluses
The thickened areas of the soles that become painful are corns and calluses. The causes include excessive pressure and friction on the skin, ill-fitted or tight shoes. Proper footwear with insoles can help prevent this foot issue. Corn pads should be helpful.

Foot Pain
Foot pain, heel pain, or plantar fasciitis is a pain that is experienced under the heel due to inflammation of connective tissues of the sole. Wearing tight shoes with improper arch support can cause plantar fasciitis. Obesity is also one of the causes. Cushioned heel supports, proper rest, stretching exercises and painkillers should help. In severe cases, one may need steroid injection directly into the heel.

Athlete’s Foot
It is a fungal infection of the foot skin. It is contagious and can spread to the toenails. Itching, burning and stinging of soles with blisters are the characteristic symptoms of athlete’s foot. Over-the-counter topical antifungals help subside the infection.

Swollen Feet
If you stand or sit for longer periods, you experience swelling in the feet. Foot swelling is one of the symptoms of cardiac disease as well. It can also be caused by deep vein thrombosis or varicose veins. It is essential that you talk to a doctor if you experience abrupt foot swelling.

It affects the big toe. It is a lump like swelling caused by uric acid deposition in the joint. Anti-inflammatory medicines help reduce the pain and swelling.

If you are diabetic and have any foot issue, immediately see your GP. A podiatrist (chiropodist) can help provide proper foot care.

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