Tuesday, 3 January 2017

Stroke May Affect Your Mobility

People with history of stroke are known to have physical, psychological and even muscular issues that can affect their mobility. It is imperative that you check with your doctor to nullify the effect of such issues in order to enhance your recovery from stroke. Clinical examination, including physical and psychological, assessment is required, so see your GP.

Stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain is either reduced or interrupted. Inadequate supply of blood means your brain is not able to receive enough oxygen and nutrients, which can cause brain cells to die. Researchers have found that stoke can greatly affect your mobility, as it is associated with central and autonomic nervous system.

Physical Issues

Your body may experience reduced or altered sensation on either side of the body. Due to this, you may feel numbness and weakness in your legs, which can make walking and moving difficult.

In addition, brain damage caused by stroke may not allow you to feel the sensation in legs and eventually you may not move it while you are walking. Some stroke subjects may even suffer from vision impairment, which can make mobility and body balance more challenging.

Psychological Issues

After stroke, gradually your stroke-associated physical issues can lead to psychological problems that can significantly affect your mobility.

For instance, you may develop a great fear of falling while walking, which can restrict your mobility. Also, stroke may make you feel more concerned and tensed, affecting your concentration and ability to move safely.

Muscular issues

Muscular issues caused by stroke can hamper the body balance, gait and mobility. Listed are a few common muscular and mobility problems associated with stroke:

1) Muscle Weakness – Your muscles need to be strong and healthy enough to support your body weight and move often.

2) Muscle Control Loss – Strong muscles help us to move from one place to another, and keep us in balance.

3) Altered Muscle Tone – Muscle stiffness can reduce the ability to move and respond.

4) Ataxia – Although muscles work, the movements become weak and coordinate improperly in this condition.

5) Dyspraxia – Difficult in carrying out and performing certain movements.

You should talk to your GP about these health issues that substantially affect your mobility. Fortunately, you can manage most of these issues with appropriate medical care. These mobility issues, in some people, stay for longer period of time, especially in elders. However, with the help of mobility aids, they can easily and safely manage their mobility issues.

PharmacyOutlet, an online pharmacy, deals in a wide range of mobility aids that can prove useful for people who have mobility issues caused by stroke and other brain disorders. In addition to mobility aids, PharmacyOutlet offers a variety of over-the-counter and NHS prescription medicines that are effective against various health issues.

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