The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is a free service initiated by the National Health Service (NHS). It reduces the need for a patient to visit their GP surgery just to collect a handwritten script of medicine.
You can select the place you would like to send your prescriptions and collect your regular medicine. Choosing a pharmacy to use the Electronic Prescription Service is called “nomination”. You can choose a pharmacy that is near to your home or workplace.
The GP practice and chemist will record your nomination for you, which is flexible. You can change or cancel the nomination at any time if you want but after seeking medical advice.
Once you nominate a pharmacy, your GP will send your prescriptions electronically to the place you prefer in England. Your prescription is sent by your GP practice by using the NHS secure database. Only your prescribing GP, pharmacy and NHS authorities can see the electronic prescription.
Your pharmacy will receive the prescription electronically to dispense and deliver your medication. The prescription is an electronic message so there will be no paper prescription to lose.
Benefits to Doctor
- can process prescriptions easily and more efficiently
- can have good control on managing multiple prescriptions
- can spend less time dealing with prescription queries
Benefits to Pharmacists
- can process single as well as repeat prescriptions more efficiently
- can spend less time sorting out online prescriptions and have less paper work to send to the NHS
- can have improved control over the stock of the medications
Benefits to Patients
- can collect their prescriptions directly from the chemist they choose, without having to visit their GP
- will not have a paper prescription to lose or misplace
- no need to spend more time waiting in the pharmacy store
The Electronic Prescription Service is extremely reliable and confidential. Pharmacy Outlet offers the NHS Electronic Prescription Service. You can nominate to get started with the electronic prescription service.
To get more information, call 03333 222 400 or send an email to