Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Treating Allergy

An allergy is an exaggerated response between an oversensitive immune system and foreign substance – such as pollen, mould, dust, pet dander or pollutants – that usually does not cause reaction in healthy individuals with strong immunity. During an allergic reaction, the body releases histamine, a chemical that is known to cause inflammation.

It is commonly seen in people with poor immune system. Children and elders are vulnerable to allergies due to underdeveloped and weak immune system respectively. People with history of asthma are also prone to allergies.   

Signs and Symptoms
The two common types of allergies are allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and urticaria. Allergic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nose, which is characterized by the symptoms of sneezing, nasal congestion, post-nasal discharge, watery and itchy eyes, fever and cough. The symptoms of urticaria are skin rashes with itching, burning and redness.

Treating Allergy
Firstly, it is important to identify and avoid the substance that is triggering an allergic reaction. By avoiding allergen, you are not only recovering yourself from allergy but also preventing the condition. Allergy treatments include –
  • Oral Medications – Depending on the type of allergy, your doctor will prescribe appropriate allergy medicines, which may include antihistamines, decongestants, leukotriene-inhibitor or mast cell stabilisers. Medications are quite effective in treating allergies quickly.
  • Nasal Decongestants – These medicines work by reducing the swelling of blood vessels caused by inflammation. By constricting the swollen blood vessels, nasal decongestants help clear nasal passages so that a person can breathe freely.
  • Immunotherapy – It is recommended in case of severe allergies that do not reduce even after oral drug therapy. This therapy involves a series of allergen extracts injections, which are given periodically.
  • Epinephrine – In emergency cases, an emergency epinephrine shot is given.

At PharmacyOutlet, you can acquire a wide range of medicines that are useful in treating allergy. The only thing you need to is to consult a general practitioner before using any medicine for your allergy.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Know About Haemorrhoids & Piles Treatment

Haemorrhoids are dilated or swollen veins of the lower rectum of anus. According to reports, nearly half of the adults experience haemorrhoids or piles at the age of 50. They can be either internal or external. Internal piles develop within the rectum or anus, while external piles develop outside of the rectum, which are visible on rectal examination. External haemorrhoids are quite common and troublesome. Nevertheless, they are treatable.

The signs and symptoms of haemorrhoids include –

  • Intense itching near anal region
  • Pain and irritation around the anus
  • Burning sensation on touch
  • Painful defecation
  • Painful swelling or lump felt near anal region
  • Bleeding after stools

When it comes to causes, haemorrhoids are idiopathic in many cases. However, experts believe that excessive pressure on the veins of the rectum is what causes piles. It can be due to constant straining and spraining during evacuation of stools, chronic constipation, and genetic predisposition.

Haemorrhoids & Piles Treatment
The good news is haemorrhoids is treatable with simple home care or at physician’s clinic. To eliminate pain and discomfort, you can take help of a sitz bath by soaking in a tub of warm water for 10 minutes daily. If the pain is not bearable, use over-the-counter painkillers or topical creams or ointments.

Home treatment include eating foods that are rich in dietary fibre. Diet rich in fibre can increase the stool consistency and bulkiness, making defecation easy and you do not require to strain or sprain. Fibre rich foods include whole wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, bran, carrots and pears. You can even use dietary fibre supplement to soften your stool and prevent haemorrhoids.

Medical Intervention
If you have severe haemorrhoids, your doctor might advise a rubber band ligation, the procedure that includes cutting of blood circulation of the piles with the help of a rubber band. The haemorrhoid eventually shrinks. Sclerotherapy i.e. injecting a sclerotizing agent into the haemorrhoids is another good option to treat haemorrhoids. Surgical removal of haemorrhoid (Haemorrhoidectomy) is the last option.

Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Importance Of Ear Care

You ears are the essential parts of the body. You hear to learn, understand and interpret. There are a few illnesses associated with ears. Hear loss, excessive earwax and ear infections (otitis media) are common ear conditions, which need proper ear care. Knowing the importance of ear care will help you protect your hearing and efficacy of your hearing aids.

Ear infections, if left untreated, can lead to hearing troubles. Discharge from ear is not normal; it suggests some internal infection. There are few medicines responsible for causing hearing difficulties. Therefore, it is recommended to consult doctor right away to seek medical attention.

General Ear Care
  • If you experience excessive build-up of earwax, immediately see your medical advisor
  • Use earplugs or earmuffs if you work in a noisy environment; protect your ear from excessive noise
  • Use earplugs during swimming so that water doesn’t lodge in your ears
  • Utilise specialized filtered earplugs if you are flying in an airplane; they will equalize the air pressure
  • Treat your upper respiratory tract infection immediately to prevent ear infection     
  • If you notice any discharge or any unusual bumps in the external ear, consult your doctor
  • See your doctor if you accidentally injure your ears or experience sudden pain earache with hearing difficulties
  • Apply sunscreen to your ears if you are going outdoors in a sunny weather
  • Few painkiller medicines are known to affect your hearing, so talk to your doctor about the treatment you are undergoing  
  • Have regular check up with your medical advisor

Cleansing you ears with extra care is essential. Rinse the outer area of ear and gently wipe with a clean washcloth. Never use any external object to clean your ears, such as Q-tips, sharp pointed objects like bobby pins, etc. These objects can injure your eardrum or ear canal. It is always safe to speak to your doctor before self-cleansing. Simply put, ear care is essential to prevent ear issues.

Friday, 19 August 2016

Essential Vitamins For Children

Growing children do not get enough nutrients like vitamin A, C and D, especially those who tend to eat less. It is difficult to get these vitamins through food alone. That is why medical experts recommend that all children above 6 months should be given daily dietary supplements that contain vitamin A, C and D. Babies who are on infant formula should not be given any supplement, as the formula already contains certain nutrients.

Your medical advisor is the right person to provide advice on safe and effective vitamin drops, so talk to him/her about the supplement that is most appropriate for your baby. Excessive use of certain vitamins is not advisable, as it can prove fatal to your baby’s health. Check the recommended dosage of vitamins and be careful. Do not give more than stated dose of supplement to your child. For instance, do not give vitamin drops and cod liver oil, as the latter already contains vitamin A & D.

  • Vitamin A – This nutrient strengthens your child’s immune system, improves vision and maintains healthy skin
  • Vitamin C – It helps absorb iron and enhances immune system and overall health
  • Vitamin D – A very important vitamin for overall growth and development, especially the teeth and bones

Dairy products, carrots, sweet potatoes, mangoes and dark green leafy vegetables are a few good sources of vitamin A. Tomatoes, oranges, kiwi fruit, berries and broccoli are good sources of vitamin C. One of the natural sources of vitamin D is sunlight. However, do not let children get more sun directly. Protect or cover up their skin from sunrays.

Vitabiotics Wellbaby Multi-Vitamin Drops contain all the essential vitamins that your baby needs. Apart from vitamin supplement, it is imperative for your child to eat healthily so that he/she can meet the daily requirements. Make sure you seek medical help before giving any supplement to your child.

Thursday, 18 August 2016

The Significance Of First Aid

Accidents are unpleasant. One cannot just stand and be helpless in such situation. It is important to have a basic knowledge about first aid. It is the initial medical assistance provided to a victim of illness or injury. First aid is often carried out by a layperson if a professional assistance is not available. One should know the significance of first aid. The benefits include –

  • It helps you to provide healthcare assistance during emergencies. For instance, if a person ingests any harmful substance or suffer a stroke, a person with sound knowledge of first aid can help the victim cope with the situation.
  • It ensures that the right medical assistance is provided. Knowing how to tackle a medical emergency situation is essential.
  • It also helps you in emergencies. You can assess the situation and act accordingly to prevent any negative outcome.        

Every person can be benefited from first aid training. Day-care centre personnel, midwives and lifeguards should be certified in performing first aid procedures. Even employees should be trained for basic first aid procedures.

An ideal first aid kit should contain –

  • A pair of sterile gloves
  • Sterile cotton
  • Sterile bandage and gauze
  • Scissors
  • Antiseptic cream or lotion
  • Antibiotic ointment
  • Muscle reliever – cream or spray
  • Crepe bandage
  • Band-aid
  • Tourniquet to stop bleeding
  • Ice packs 

Keeping a first aid box in every school, office or household is essential so that if an emergency occurs, precious time is not lost. Without appropriate first aid, a simple wound could turn into a severe injury. First aid does not just enhance recovery, but helps save life.

At PharmacyOutlet, you can acquire various antiseptics, bandages, plasters, burn creams, etc., which are an integral part of the first aid kit.

Wednesday, 17 August 2016

10 Tips On Good Foot Care

You put your whole body weight on your feet, so foot problems are common and can quickly cause discomfort. Foot issues can affect the way you walk and stand. In fact, foot problems can lead to pain in knee, hip and back. Medical surveys claim that nine out of 10 people experience foot problems and many of them have them frequently.

It is important to take care of your foot; it should not hurt you on a daily basis. Persistent foot problems are discomforting and painful. Many of them suffer from foot problems because of wrong footwear. You can take care of your feet simply by following the below-mentioned tips –

  1. Check your feet daily – Look for any cuts, blisters, cracks or red spots
  2. Wash your feet daily – Warm water soaking and drying with a soft towel helps
  3. Moisturise – Apply a thin layer of skin lotion and gently rub
  4. Treat corns and calluses – Use pumice stone or medicated products to get rid of corns and calluses
  5. Trim your toenails regularly – Use nail file or emery board after trimming
  6. Wear socks and shoes all the time – They provide protection against external influences
  7. Use foot accessories – Wear protective insoles and comfortably-fitting shoes
  8. Protect your feet from hot and cold – Use socks when it is too cold and shoes when it is too hot
  9. Let the blood flow freely – Try to keep your feet up while sitting, exercise and don’t smoke
  10. Check with your doctor and take care of diabetes – Diabetics should pay special attention when it comes foot care 

Foot care is essential, just like you take care of your whole body by eating healthy foods and exercising. If you experience any pain or discomfort for longer duration, make sure you consult a medical professional right away. Start taking care of your foot today!

Tuesday, 16 August 2016

Know About Upset Stomach Treatment

Upset stomach, also known as indigestion or dyspepsia, is a common term that describes pain or discomfort in the upper abdomen. It is merely a symptom, not a disease. Upset stomach is often associated with other symptoms such as nausea, bloating, belching or burping. 

Upset stomach is usually caused by excessive secretion of stomach acid that travels to the oesophagus, causing irritation and discomfort. The stomach acid breaks down the mucus membranes, causing inflammation and irritation, which give rise to upset stomach symptoms. Many cases of indigestion are due to faulty eating and drinking, while few cases are due to infection and bad effects of certain medicines.

Many people with upset stomach feel the pain in stomach or chest region soon after eating or drinking. In some cases, the symptoms are aggravated some time after eating or drinking. Few people feel satiated during meal even on eating very less.

Potential Causes of Upset Stomach
  • Overeating or eating too fast
  • Eating fatty, spicy, greasy foods
  • Drinking too much of alcohol and caffeinated beverages
  • Prolonged stress
  • Emotional trauma
  • Obesity
  • Hiatus hernia
  • Gallstones
  • Pancreatitis
  • Peptic ulcers
  • Smoking
  • Bade effects of medicines

Upset Stomach Treatment
Treatment often depends on the cause and severity of the symptoms. Lifestyle changes and healthy diet can help reduce upset stomach symptoms; for instance, avoiding foods containing fat and spices, quitting smoking, limiting alcohol, getting adequate sleep and staying away from fizzy drinks. Medications that help treat upset stomach are –

  • Acid reducers or Antacids – These medicines suppress the secretion of stomach acid. They include Rolaids, Maalox, Alka-Seltzer, etc. They are available over-the-counter.
  • Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) – They suppress acid production by inhibiting proton pump, which include Pantaprazole, Omeprazole and Rabeprazole.
  • H2-recpetor antagonists – Ranitidine is a commonly used H2-receptor inhibitor.
  • Antibiotics – Antibiotics are prescribed when there is an underlying bacterial infection that is causing upset stomach.

Upset Stomach, if left untreated, can lead to severe gastric complications. So visit your GP and seek proper medical care!

Medicated Skin Care Is Essential In Few Cases

Your skin is the largest organ of the body. It provides shelter to all your internal organs that are delicate and vital. Apart from protecting the organs, skin contributes to the external appearance and beauty of a person. Everybody wants a clean and glowing skin to look young and attractive. A healthy skin indicates the healthy state of your body. Many people are prone to several skin conditions; therefore, it is important to take care of the skin.

Basic skin care regimen is essential to prevent skin problem, such as –

  • Regular washing – Cleansing is one of the most important parts when it comes to skin care. It is essential to wash your skin on a regular basis with suitable cleaning agents. It helps remove residual elements and dirt. Regular cleansing makes your face look fresh and young.   
  • Toning – Toning with a high quality toner helps restore the natural pH of the skin, thereby making it more resistant against microbes. It is more beneficial for people with oily skin.
  • Moisturising – Proper moisturising helps restore the natural moisture, thereby making the skin more soft and supple. Make sure you use a superior quality water-based moisturiser.
  • Exfoliation – Exfoliation is a process that rejuvenates the overall skin by removing dirt, dead cells and excess oil. Gently scrub your face with an exfoliating agent.
  • Hydrate your skin – Drink plenty of water to retain moisture content of the skin. It also prevents dryness.
  • Use sunscreen – Sunrays are bad for your skin, so use a quality sunscreen of SPF of at least 30. It also protects skin from sunburn and melanoma. 

Medicatedskin care is essential when it comes to acne, eczema, psoriasis, dryness, etc. It is better to consult a dermatologist who can prescribe you appropriate medicated skin care products for your skin conditions. It is important to go through all the directions before using any topical creams or lotions for your skin.

Thursday, 11 August 2016

Know About Common Cold & Cough

Getting up with a runny nose, cough and sore throat? Is it a common cold, an allergy or flu? It is important to know about the common cold and cough symptoms to diagnose the condition, as the symptoms are quite similar. This can help you choose appropriate treatment.

Cold usually starts with a sore throat, which is followed by runny nose, sneezing, cough and fatigue. Usually, you do not get a fever during cold. However, if you have fever, it may be a sign of bacterial infection or the flu. As the condition progresses, you may notice thicker mucus discharge from nose with cough. Cold can even aggravate your asthma, so check with your physician.

If you start with cough, you are probably having a bacterial infection of the respiratory tract. In such condition, you need to seek immediate medical attention. Most of the cold and cough cases are contiguous, especially during the first three days.

Sometimes people mistake cold symptoms with hay fever (allergic rhinitis). That’s because the symptoms are similar. Allergy is an oversensitive reaction between exaggerated immune system and certain allergens. Histamine, an inflammatory chemical, is released in the body, which causes runny nose, sneezing and coughing.

Cold & Cough Treatment
Besides getting plenty of rest and drinking plenty of water, you need to take medicines. However, you should seek medical assistance before using any medications. There are different cold and cough
medicines and they act differently, such as –

  • Nasal decongestants – For nasal congestion and post-nasal discharge
  • Antihistamines – To reduce sneezing and stuffy nose
  • Cough suppressants – To overcome cough
  • Expectorants – To get rid of mucus
  • Pain relievers – For reducing fever, pains an aches

Many cold and cough medicines contain prescription drugs, so consult your doctor. Using too much of painkillers can lead to health issues, so be careful and follow all the instructions. Cough suppressants and expectorants also contain active drugs that are to be taken as directed by a medical advisor. Through PharmacyOutlet, you can acquire medicines that are useful in managing your cough and cold symptoms.   

Wednesday, 10 August 2016

Know Your Pain Management Options

Pain can make your life miserable. It is an unpleasant feeling that may be experienced in any part of the body, especially in the muscles and joints. It is an indication of several serious underlying conditions, including psychological issues like anxiety and depression. It is imperative to know about your pain management options, as different pains are treated with different painkillers and methods.

Acute pain usually occurs abruptly and subsides within a few days or week. Sub-acute pain is referred to a pain that may persist for 6 to 12 weeks. Pain that lasts for more than 12 weeks is called as chronic pain. Pain relief treatments range from home care, to over-the-counter or prescription medicines, to invasive surgical interventions. Each person’s pain may vary, so it is important to diagnose the underlying condition.

Why pain is experienced?
Usually, pain is associated with the nervous system response. Prostaglandin, a chemical-like hormone is known to produce pain, which is often secreted when there is an inflammation. Another type of pain is neuropathic pain, which is related to nerves, such as shingles, carpel-tunnel syndrome, diabetic neuropathy and scarring. It is essential to identify the exact source of pain to find an effective pain relief medicine.

You need to consult your doctor if you experience pain for more than three weeks. Living with chronic pain is challenging; there are various medical interventions that can help treat pain effectively. It is essential to manage chronic pain, because it hampers the ability to perform daily activities.

Pain Relief Medications
  • Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) – These medicines reduce inflammation by ceasing the secretion of prostaglandin. They are quite helpful in musculoskeletal pain and rheumatic disorders like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, etc.
  • Acetaminophen – It is a type of painkiller that reduces pain by stopping the signal to the brain. Paracetamol is a commonly used acetaminophen.
  • Narcotics – Opiod drugs like morphine and codeine are prescribed when the pain is related to central nervous system.

Others – Antidepressants, anti-epileptic medicines, sedatives and muscles relaxants are prescribed in selective cases.

Other pain relieving methods are physical therapy, heat therapy, massage therapy, deep breathing and relaxation techniques.

Friday, 5 August 2016

Take Care Of Common Ailments With Pharmacists

Millions of people visit general practitioner (GP) with minor health issues that can be resolved by pharmacists. You book and wait for an appointment with GP, which can be sometimes tedious. 
Instead of doing so, you can visit your local chemist any time, just walk in and get your medicine. Pharmacists are well versed with the symptoms and treatments of minor health issues. They can provide necessary assistance and advise medicines that can help eradicate the problem.

If your problem is serious and needs medical attention, your pharmacist will recommend you to see a physician or GP. What’s more, many local pharmacies work on the weekends and in the evenings. If people start visiting pharmacist for common ailments, great amount of time can be saved of yours and GPs. This might help in getting a convenient appointment with a GP next time if you need one. So, if you suffer from a common ailment, a visit to your local pharmacy is a good option.

Common ailments include
  • Cold and flu
  • Sore throat and cough
  • Acne and eczema
  • Allergies or hay fever
  • Period pain and thrush
  • Mouth ulcers or cold sores
  • Athlete’s foot
  • Teething or nappy rash
  • Minor cuts and bruises

You can visit your GP for major cuts or wounds, wound dressing, muscle or joint pains and poisoning. There are many major health problems, which should be addressed to your GP instead of a pharmacist.

You pharmacist can help you cope with minor ailments. Few pharmacies even conduct a minor ailment scheme. This scheme deals with supply of medicines for common ailments on the NHS. If the scheme includes acne, it means your pharmacist can provide medicines for acne and you need to pay only for standard prescription.

Another option to get rid of minor ailments is online pharmacy. If you want to buy an OTC medicine, you need not require going to your local pharmacy. Simply browse an online pharmacy, order and fulfil your medicinal requirement. But make sure you keep in touch with your pharmacist.

Thursday, 4 August 2016

Overcome Influenza Naturally

Influenza is a contiguous respiratory illness that is commonly known as flu. It is caused by influenza viruses, which invade and infect the upper respiratory tract that includes nose, throat and lungs. Influenza can cause mild to moderate illness and severe cases may even lead to death. The best way to avert this condition is to get immunised with flu vaccines every year.

What are the symptoms of flu?
  • Fever with chills
  • Sore throat
  • Stuffy and runny nose
  • Cough
  • Muscle or body pain
  • Headache
  • Fatigue (weakness)

Medical experts believe that flu virus spreads through air droplets, especially when people with influenza sneeze, cough or talk. The infected droplets can land in the noses or mouths of nearby people. People with weak, underdeveloped or sensitive immune system are vulnerable to flu. It may take up to two or three days to experience the symptoms after exposure to the flu virus.

Usually, flu symptoms subside with proper medical care. If left untreated, flu can lead to complications like bacterial pneumonia, sinus infection, ear infections and worsening of other medical conditions. It is not easy to distinguish the flu symptoms from other bacterial or viral symptoms just by considering clinical features alone. There are few tests available for detecting influenza.

Influenza is a viral infection, so antibiotics will not help. Physicians often prescribe OTC painkillers or anti-pyretics and advise bed rest for few days. You need to stay at home, drink plenty of water, avoid contact with others and quit smoking. You can use Vitabiotics Echinacea Purpurea Root Extract 200mg 30Tablets to overcome flu and cold symptoms naturally, because it contains herbal remedies.

Preventing Influenza

Taking flu vaccine each year is the first and foremost step in preventing influenza. Staying away from people who are already suffering from flu will help you evade infection. Find some natural ways to improve your immune system.

Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Omega-3 Fatty Acids Can Promote Heart Healing

Omega-3 fatty acid supplements can help promote heart healing after a cardiac arrest, says a new study. High doses of omega-3 fatty acids, derived from fish oil, can make your heart healthy if taken for six months after a cardiac arrest. This essential nutrient reduces scarring of heart muscles and increases the heart’s ability to pump blood, according to a new research.

After a heart attack, the shape and function of the heart alter. This condition is referred as post-heart attack remodeling. It is linked with poor prognosis and could lead to death due to heart failure. There are no specific interventions to prevent this remodeling.

Previous studies have found that omega-3 fatty acids (extracted from fish oil) increased the survival rate of patients who have the history of heart attack. However, the role of this nutrient in improving the structure and function of the heart was idiopathic.

In a new study, researchers have found that a daily dose of omega-3 fatty acids (4gms) for six months helped in improving the overall structure and function of the heart in patients with the history of cardiac arrest. The findings revealed that this nutrient is safe and effective in ameliorating post-heart attack remodeling. This can reduce the incidence of death due to heart failure.

Furthermore, experts suggest that omega-3 fatty acids help the heart to contract better and reduce scarring or fibrosis. Researchers also found that this nutrient has anti-inflammatory properties.
The study was conducted on 360 heart attack survivors. Half of them were give high doses of omega-3 fatty acids, while remaining were kept on placebo. All the patients were under physician’s observation and care. Patients who were given omega-3 supplements showed remarkable improvement in their heart function. Moreover, they found it to be safe and effective.

Considering these findings, it seems logical that people who take omega-3 supplements can have a lower risk of cardiac arrest or heart failure. However, it is better to talk to a medical professional before taking any supplement.

Know About Chickenpox

Chickenpox, or varicella, is a common viral infection characterised by the symptoms of itchy rash with fluid-filled blisters. The infection is highly contagious, especially to those who are not vaccinated and have not had the infection. Before the invention of vaccines, almost all people had been affected by this infection when they reached adulthood. However, the incidence is reduced dramatically.

Chickenpox is considered a mild disease. Still, it is always better to get vaccinated. The vaccine is safe and effective in preventing the infection and its complications.

Diagnosing Chickenpox
You or your little one need not require any medical tests to diagnose the infection. By noticing the clinical features, you can be sure of the disease, such as mild fever followed by skin rashes with fluid-filled blisters and scabs. However, you have to be very sure. That is because the symptoms are similar to insect bites and scabies. If you are not sure about the symptoms, visit your GP, who will carry out simple blood test to detect the virus.

When to seek help?
Consult your GP right away, if you notice any skin blister with fever and if you have been in contact with a person who is having chickenpox. It is highly imperative to seek medical help if you suspect chickenpox during pregnancy or breastfeeding. If left untreated, this infectious disease can lead to serious complications. Your doctor is the right person to suggest you whether you can breastfeed during chickenpox.

Chickenpox Treatment
Chickenpox is a self-limiting disease, so it clears up without any specific treatment. However, you need chickenpox medicines to ease the itch and discomfort. Following are the important steps that can help manage the symptoms –
·         OTC Painkiller like paracetamol reduces fever and pain
·         Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
·         Stop the itch by using calamine lotion or cooling gels
·         Use cool clothing
In severe or complicated cases, antiviral therapy is advised.

Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Common Triggering Factors Of Headache

Headaches are not only caused by stress, nasty colds or any underlying medical condition but also by sleeping late or cleaning the home. There are several factors responsible for triggering a headache, which one should know. Identifying and correcting the triggering factors can help manage headaches & migraine without any medical intervention.

Here are few common headache triggers –

Sleeping more
You often sleep more on weekends after a hectic week at office, because of which you rise with a pounding headache, so avoid sleeping more on weekends. Make sure you sleep eight hours every day. Excessive sleep during weekend alters your hormonal secretion, which causes release of certain brain chemicals, resulting in dilatation or constriction of the blood vessels.

Expressing anger
Anger causes tension headache. That’s because your muscles in the neck and back get tensed. When you get angry, just breathe slowly and deeply. Deep breathing helps in supressing your anger and tension headache.

Improper posture
Improper body posture can lead to headache and other pains and aches. So avoid standing or sitting in one position for a longer duration. Sit upright and provide support to your lower back. You can consult a physical therapist who can explain you about proper sitting and standing postures.

Bad weather
For many people, climatic changes can bring a severe headache. Grey skies, rising temperatures, high humidity and storms can trigger headache. Changing the weather is not in your hands; however, looking at the forecast and acting accordingly can help prevent headache. Taking OTC painkiller medicines helps.

Bright light
Glare or bright light induces cluster headaches or migraine in many people. Flickering of light activates certain neurotransmitters in the brain, causing migraine. In such cases, people should wear sunglasses or stay away from bright light.

Many people experience headache soon after inhaling certain perfumes or strong-smelling toiletries. This is because certain chemicals in the scents or perfumes trigger headache. Staying away from such aromatic stuffs is the best way to avert headache.
Other triggering factors are noise, certain foods, ice-creams and grinding teeth. One can get relief headaches & migraine by using OTC medicines. In severe cases, it is imperative to consult a GP.

Monday, 1 August 2016

Myths and Facts About Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is an important physiological phase for mothers. It is useful not only for your baby but also for your health. Breastfeeding helps build a strong emotional attachment between a mother and her baby. Breast milk helps protect the baby from infectious conditions and diseases.

Breastfeeding reduces the risk of health issues in babies, such as infections, diarrhoea, vomiting, leukaemia, obesity, cardiac issues and diabetes. In mother, breastfeeding lowers the risk of breast cancer, osteoporosis, cardiac illness and obesity.     

It’s world breastfeeding week and let’s check out few of the common myths and facts associated with breastfeeding.

Myth – It’s not popular in the UK.
Fact – In the UK, approximately 73% of women breastfeed and 17% of babies are breastfed at three months.

Myth – Breastfeeding can make my breasts look sag.
Fact – Factually, breastfeeding doesn’t make your breast look droop, but certain hormones related to pregnancy can. So wear a perfect-fitting bra during pregnancy.

Myth – Breast milk and formulated milk are same.
Fact – Formulated milk is prepared from cow’s milk, which may contain bacteria. Moreover, it will not protect your baby from diseases or infections.

Myth – Not all women produce enough breast milk.
Fact – Almost all women are able to breastfeed. It is important for mother to recognise the need of her baby and feed frequently.

Myth – Breastfeeding is painful.
Fact – Usually, it shouldn’t hurt, it is just a normal way to feed your baby. Pain or discomfort is experienced if your baby isn’t attached or positioned appropriately. You should ask your healthcare advisor or midwife for proper guidance.

Myth – I can’t indulge in sexual activity if I breastfeed.
Facts – You can indulge in sexual activity with your partner if you are lactating. You may notice milk leakage during sexual activity. You can try breastfeeding beforehand or wear a brassiere with breast pads (Robinson Healthcare 40 Breast Pads). At the same time, you may feel dryness in vaginal area; using a lubricant helps.

People Who Quit Smoking Drink Less Alcohol, Studies

According the clinical reports, people who cease the habit of smoking are known to drink less alcohol. This indicates that quitting smoking is good for your liver. After analysing and evaluating two on-going studies, researchers have concluded that ex-smokers significantly reduce their alcohol intake.

The link between smoking, alcoholism and poor health is already established. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake dramatically reduce the risk of cancer and other life-threatening diseases. 
Researchers conducted two studies by using data of household surveys. The smoking and alcohol toolkit studies collected the data on smoking and alcohol consumption in England. They examined data of nearly 6,200 participants (above 16 years of age).

Experts found that those who attempted to cease smoking habit within the last week had lower cravings for alcohol.  In addition, they reported less craving for binge drinking. At the same time, people who quit smoking recently drank less alcohol. However, the exact cause behind this link is not established.

Quitting Smoking
You may come across many treatments and medicines that claim to help you quit smoking. But are they reliable? It is always safe to visit your doctor to know about the various modes of treatments that help in smoking cessation. Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is so far the best way to get rid of smoking. NRT is available in various forms such as tablets, chewing gum, patches, etc.

Stopping smoking habit and following the recommended alcohol guidelines can help you stay away from chronic diseases like high blood pressure, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer. In fact, you will feel more energetic and rejuvenated. So if you smoke, the best thing you can do is quit. And if you drink, avoid or limit the intake, it would be an added benefit to your body.