Chickenpox, or varicella, is a common viral infection characterised by
the symptoms of itchy rash with fluid-filled blisters. The infection is highly
contagious, especially to those who are not vaccinated and have not had the
infection. Before the invention of vaccines, almost all people had been
affected by this infection when they reached adulthood. However, the incidence
is reduced dramatically.
Chickenpox is considered a mild disease. Still, it is always better to get
vaccinated. The vaccine is safe and effective in preventing the infection and
its complications.
Diagnosing Chickenpox
You or your little one need not require any medical tests to diagnose
the infection. By noticing the clinical features, you can be sure of the
disease, such as mild fever followed by skin rashes with fluid-filled blisters
and scabs. However, you have to be very sure. That is because the symptoms are
similar to insect bites and scabies. If you are not sure about the symptoms,
visit your GP, who will carry out simple blood test to detect the virus.
When to seek help?
Consult your GP right away, if you notice any skin blister with fever
and if you have been in contact with a person who is having chickenpox. It is
highly imperative to seek medical help if you suspect chickenpox during
pregnancy or breastfeeding. If left untreated, this infectious disease can lead
to serious complications. Your doctor is the right person to suggest you
whether you can breastfeed during chickenpox.
Chickenpox Treatment
Chickenpox is a self-limiting disease, so it clears up without any
specific treatment. However, you need chickenpox
medicines to ease the itch and discomfort. Following are the important
steps that can help manage the symptoms –
OTC Painkiller like paracetamol reduces fever and pain
Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water
Stop the itch by using calamine lotion or cooling gels
Use cool clothing
In severe or complicated
cases, antiviral therapy is advised.