What are the symptoms of flu?
- Fever with chills
- Sore throat
- Stuffy and runny nose
- Cough
- Muscle or body pain
- Headache
- Fatigue (weakness)
Medical experts believe that flu virus
spreads through air droplets, especially when people with influenza sneeze,
cough or talk. The infected droplets can land in the noses or mouths of nearby
people. People with weak, underdeveloped or sensitive immune system are vulnerable
to flu. It may take up to two or three days to experience the symptoms after
exposure to the flu virus.
Usually, flu symptoms subside with proper
medical care. If left untreated, flu can lead to complications like bacterial
pneumonia, sinus infection, ear infections and worsening of other medical
conditions. It is not easy to distinguish the flu symptoms from other bacterial
or viral symptoms just by considering clinical features alone. There are few
tests available for detecting influenza.
Influenza is a viral infection, so
antibiotics will not help. Physicians often prescribe OTC painkillers or
anti-pyretics and advise bed rest for few days. You need to stay at home, drink
plenty of water, avoid contact with others and quit smoking. You can use Vitabiotics Echinacea Purpurea Root Extract 200mg 30Tablets to overcome flu
and cold symptoms naturally, because it contains herbal remedies.
Preventing Influenza
Taking flu vaccine each year is the
first and foremost step in preventing influenza. Staying away from people who
are already suffering from flu will help you evade infection. Find some natural
ways to improve your immune system.