Thursday, 25 August 2016

Know About Haemorrhoids & Piles Treatment

Haemorrhoids are dilated or swollen veins of the lower rectum of anus. According to reports, nearly half of the adults experience haemorrhoids or piles at the age of 50. They can be either internal or external. Internal piles develop within the rectum or anus, while external piles develop outside of the rectum, which are visible on rectal examination. External haemorrhoids are quite common and troublesome. Nevertheless, they are treatable.

The signs and symptoms of haemorrhoids include –

  • Intense itching near anal region
  • Pain and irritation around the anus
  • Burning sensation on touch
  • Painful defecation
  • Painful swelling or lump felt near anal region
  • Bleeding after stools

When it comes to causes, haemorrhoids are idiopathic in many cases. However, experts believe that excessive pressure on the veins of the rectum is what causes piles. It can be due to constant straining and spraining during evacuation of stools, chronic constipation, and genetic predisposition.

Haemorrhoids & Piles Treatment
The good news is haemorrhoids is treatable with simple home care or at physician’s clinic. To eliminate pain and discomfort, you can take help of a sitz bath by soaking in a tub of warm water for 10 minutes daily. If the pain is not bearable, use over-the-counter painkillers or topical creams or ointments.

Home treatment include eating foods that are rich in dietary fibre. Diet rich in fibre can increase the stool consistency and bulkiness, making defecation easy and you do not require to strain or sprain. Fibre rich foods include whole wheat, brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, bran, carrots and pears. You can even use dietary fibre supplement to soften your stool and prevent haemorrhoids.

Medical Intervention
If you have severe haemorrhoids, your doctor might advise a rubber band ligation, the procedure that includes cutting of blood circulation of the piles with the help of a rubber band. The haemorrhoid eventually shrinks. Sclerotherapy i.e. injecting a sclerotizing agent into the haemorrhoids is another good option to treat haemorrhoids. Surgical removal of haemorrhoid (Haemorrhoidectomy) is the last option.