Friday, 2 December 2016

Effective Ways to Quit Smoking

You might across a lot of adages on smoking – such as smoking is injurious to your health, smoking leads to cancer, smoking kills, etc. That’s true. Smoking is indeed a potential killer.

Smoking is one of the leading causes of lung cancer, heart disease and premature death. It contains innumerable carcinogens that are harmful to your health. So, quitting smoking could be one of the wiser decisions.

If you want to quit smoking, you can make a few changes to your lifestyle, which may help resist the urge to light up a cigarette.

1) Be optimistic

You might have followed innumerable stuffs to quit smoking before, but failed to manage it. Learn from your past experiences and think about how you are going to quit this time. Firstly, you need to be optimistic and think positively. More importantly, do not give up the plan again.

1) Make a plan

Make a plan, set a date, kick start and stick to it. Remember, you need sheer determination and dedication to kick this bad habit out of your life. Whenever you feel the urge, just explain yourself – I will not have it. Think ahead of your times and plan your actions accordingly in advance.

2) Consider healthy diet

Studies have found that some foods such as red meat make cigarettes more pleasing and satisfying. On the other hand, fresh fruits and vegetables make cigarettes taste unpleasant. Consider healthy diet rich in essential nutrients and antioxidants.

3) Look at what you drink

Alcohol, cola, tea, coffee and fizzy drinks make cigarettes taste better. So, make sure you drink plenty of water and home-made fruit juices.

3) Go for a walk

Researchers have found that a five-minute walk on a daily basis can cut down the desire to smoke. Exercise helps the brain to produce anti-craving chemicals that can help you quit smoking.

4) Get some support

If your friends and family members want to quit smoking, suggest them to join a support group. Studies have found that people are more likely to stop smoking successfully by joining a quit smoking support group and counselling.

5) Consider NRT or e-cigarettes

Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) is known to double your chances of ceasing smoking. NRT is available in tablets, lozenges, gums and patches form. Another effective way of smoking cessation is using e-cigarettes.

7) Note down the list of reasons to stop smoking

Speak to your mind constantly why you made this wise decision of giving up smoking. Note down the list and read it when you feel the urge. This will motivate and help you quit smoking successfully.

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