Monday, 5 December 2016

Preventing Back Pain At Work

Almost 80% of the population in their live suffers from lower back pain. Most cases of the lower back pain are linked to a general cause known as muscle strain and injury. It can also be attributed to a specific condition of the spine such as Herniated Disc, Degenerative Disc Disease, Spondylitis, Spinal Stenosis and Osteoarthritis. Lower-back pain, which ranks on No. 2 position, is the reason why Americans see their doctors. According to an observation, in an office setting of 100 people, it estimates that on a given day, 10 to 12 people probably have some kind of back pain.

Despite the prevalence of the problem, people choose to ignore the issue and neglects examination and treatment for treating back pain. People do not take proper care of themself until they are strike harder with pain. Unfortunately, many occupations such as nursing, construction work and factory work can place significant demands on your back that can lead to back pain. Even routine office work can cause or worsen back pain. No matter how good an individual’s positioning is, sitting for a longer period in front of computer will store up pain in back. It is very important to have relaxation and flexibility by taking breaks at interval, by walking or getting up, and by adjusting height of their chair.

According to many experts, workstation factors that can cause back pain and affect back are –

  • Sitting Posture.
  • Height of the chair 
  • Keyboard positioning
  • Computer position
If an individual is not sure about their seating position and workstation, they must ask their manager to arrange a workplace assessment for them. 


  • One can avoid pain by sitting straight, Adjusting their chair and by giving proper support to their back. One should avoid sitting in wrong postures such as bend back and uncomforting style.
  • An individual should adjust their chair in a position that it will result in reduction of strain. One must adjust his/her sitting in such a manner that they can use keyboard with their wrist and their elbow/forearm can be straight at the floor.
  • One should keep their foot on ground and if not then they can ask for a footrest, which can help them to keep foot on a position that may make an individual feel relaxed.
  • Limited Bed Rest – People should have lesser in order to prevent lower back pain. Excess sleep and rest can cause problems in performing daily task. 
  • One should keep their selves involve with more and more activities resulting proper functioning of joint and muscles. 
  • Regular exercising – Regular exercise is always the best medicine for back pain. Exercises like walking, jogging, etc. have always been result oriented and have turned out as best for preventing back pain.
  • Maintaining good posture – Poor postures results in causing issues like lower back pain. Pain may start after workout but it may have been rooted years back by having or forming wrong posture in sitting, walking or sleeping. Keeping right amount of position in the back takes pressure of the nerves and result in pain reduction.
  • Strengthen Core- If the abdominals are weak, other areas must pick up the slack. When we strengthen the abdominals, it often reduces the strain on the lower back.
A number of less common conditions can also cause low back pain. Sometime even a simplest bend to do some household work can cause back injuries. According to many doctors, patients have explained their pain by giving examples, which sounded very cruel. Some said it felt like screwdriver was piercing through their bones. Some back issues get resolve and some do stay until their lives.

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