Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Can I Use Repeat Prescription Online Service For Embarrassing Illness?

Embarrassing illnesses such as haemorrhoids (piles), worms, diarrhoea, oral thrush, chronic bladder infection, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) and urine incontinence need regular medication. It is found that many Brits with these embarrassing illnesses do not undergo any treatment due to hesitation to go to a GP or pharmacy and collect medicine.
Urine incontinence, chronic constipation and IBS are amongst the serious ailments highly ignored. According to a national survey, many people with the aforementioned illnesses are not addressing their issues with a GP or pharmacist due to embarrassment.
Hesitating to get treatment due to embarrassment is a potential barrier to people who want to seek medical help. In UK, approximately 5.54 million people are suffering from embarrassing illnesses in silence.
To overcome such situation, people can make use of repeat prescription online service. All one needs to do is consult a GP and pharmacy that offer Electronic Prescription Service. Nominate an internet pharmacy and get your medicine for chronic embarrassing illnesses without visiting your GP and pharmacy again. Plus, you will get free delivery on repeat prescription.
While you might think that these illnesses are not severe enough to seek medical attention, in many cases, they can potentially lead to serious condition. Whether it is a GP or pharmacist, you should not suffer in silence. Instead, curb the embarrassment and look forward to get treatment before it’s too late.
Some patients are quite timid to broach certain sensitive issues. GPs are well trained to have non-prejudiced conversations with patients about such illnesses. If you are worried about having a face-to-face conversation with a GP, you can make use of online doctor service, PharmaDoctor, which is affiliated with Pharmacy Outlet.
Pharmacy Outlet in association with PharmaDoctor can help you get treatment for embarrassing illnesses such as diarrhoea, warts & verruca, period pain, erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, hair loss, etc.