Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Nearly 900,000 Brits Are Too Plump To Work

According to an expert, nearly 900,000 Brits are too fat to work.
The official number of people claiming sickness benefits due to obesity is 160,000; however, the figure is more likely to be on the higher side, estimating around 880,000.
Obesity, undoubtedly, is one of the most common health conditions in UK. It potentially affects people’s ability to work or perform daily activities.
A renowned rheumatologist has said that the UK Government data of 160,000 obese people unable to work due to obesity is not accurate, and that is because of the way applicants filled up the form. The true figure is likely to be five times higher than the actual Government’s figure. Experts found that more than 880,000 obese people are unable to work or perform daily chores.
Those claiming the sickness benefits have put down only one primary illness. This means numerous people with obesity who may list other conditions associated with obesity – such as heart problems and type II diabetes – were not included in the figures of those who cannot work due to plumpness.
Experts think that if you consider obesity and obesity-induced heart disease and diabetes, the figure goes somewhere near to 880,000.
Obese people on sickness benefits should be forced to seek medical advice in order to get them back to work. They should be advised weight loss programme or slimming classes.
Experts explain that those who claim benefits if they are too sick to perform work can only put down a single primary illness.
Physicians should be careful while discussing obesity with their patients. One cannot sit in front of the patient and use the word “fat”. This could offend patients, which can make them feel embarrassed.
If you are embarrassed and feel you are too fat to work, check with your GP physically or use an online doctor service – PharmaDoctor – to know about the effective ways to managing obesity with weight loss pills, exercise and diet.
Pharmacy Outlet is an online pharmacy that offers MHRA approved healthcare products for treating obesity.