Wednesday 19 April 2017

Benefits of Electronic Prescription Service for Pharmacists

The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) allows your GP surgery to send your prescriptions directly to the pharmacy. EPS will eventually remove the need for the paper prescriptions. Let’s have a look at the benefits of EPS for pharmacists.
Less sorting and less paper work
There is less sorting and less paper to send to the NHS prescription services when pharmacists use electronic prescription service. Only a few signed tokens are to be sent to the NHS prescription service at the end of the month. There is no need to sort or file as done of paper prescriptions.
No need to enter detailed information
An electronic prescription contains the patient’s information; hence, there is no need to need to type the details into the dispensing system.
Reduced queries related to prescription
A prescribing GP has to use a standardised medicinal dictionary and must complete all fields before sending prescriptions electronically. Eventually, this improves prescription accuracy and decreases the risk of patients receiving incorrect medication.
EPS decreases the risk of receiving and dispensing counterfeit prescriptions, as an electronic prescription cannot be lost. Pharmacists receive fewer reimbursement queries from the NHS prescription service.
Improves stock control
Using electronic prescriptions in advancement of the patient’s arrival means a pharmacist has ample time to order any out of stock medicines. EPS indeed helps pharmacists to order stock and dispense medicines in advance. This further helps reduce the longer waiting times for patients.
No need for a prescription collection
Pharmacists do not need to collect paper prescriptions from GP; everything is done online, saving their time. They need not require waiting for paper prescription to arrive through the post.
Electronic Prescription service is fantastic; the prescription is exactly the one that arrives on the computer screen of pharmacists, with no margin of human errors. EPS is completely accurate. It speeds up the processing, as it is a paperless work and pharmacists can prepare the repeat prescription in advance at patient’s convenience.
Pharmacy Outlet, a UK’s registered online pharmacy, offers EPS services. You can nominate this online pharmacy to fulfil your electronic repeat prescription.

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