Thursday, 13 April 2017

Things You Should Know About Good Friday

Good Friday is the most melancholic day of the Christian year. It’s the day our saviour died for us. It’s the day we were saved from the bondage of sins by the voluntary death of our God at the hands of man. It’s celebrated on 14th April this year.

Here are a few things you should know about Good Friday:
Why the day is called Good Friday?
Factually, it’s not for the reason you may think. It must be tempting us to say the name must be derived from something good; unfortunately, that’s not the name comes from. Where the name does come from is a dispute. The exact origin of the term “good” is idiopathic. Some say it’s from “God’s Friday”. It is also argued that the name could be based on medieval use of the word holy, thus “Good Friday”.
What happened on this day?
There were many things happened on this day. During the night, Jesus was arrested and taken before the superior priests Annas and Caiaphas. According to gospels, Jesus was taken before Pilate in the morning, was mocked and beaten, was crowned with thorns, was condemned to death, carried the crushing burden of his cross, was crucified between two thieves, forgave those who crucified him, cried out and died.
How do we commemorate this day?
The Good Friday celebrations are connected with Easter. On this day, the church meditates on the passion of the Lord, adores the cross and intercedes for the salvation of the whole world. Good Friday is the only day on which the celebration of Mass is forbidden.
So, what’s good about this Good Friday?
Usually, we associated the term “good” with positive emotions such as love, peace, joy, etc. and certainly not with sadness or tears. Sometimes, those tears can be an outflow of what is good and that’s the aspect of humanity which mourns.
We celebrate the cross on this day. In Jesus, we can see sadness that can be a gift. His love and care led to tears, and his tears led to the cross. And when his tears, sweat and blood hung on the cross, the sacrifice was paid on our behalf. And this is truly good – God’s goodness.
So, what’s good about Good Friday is the God’s love and care expressed through compassion.
Let’s follow our God on this Good Friday and take up our cross and follow his compassion and action.
Let’s give hope to the hopeless, rest to the restless, voice to the voiceless and health to insalubrious.
Let’s do something good on Good Friday!
Pharmacy Outlet commemorates Good Friday by promoting good health!

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