The NHS online prescription service has been introduced to save you time and money when it comes to ordering and managing the repeat prescriptions.
You can save a lot of time just by sending your prescription directly from your GP to your dispenser via internet. This NHS online prescription service is certainly the safest option to meet your prescription, rather than going to a GP to collect a paper script.
The NHS online prescription service will allow you to order and manage your repeat prescriptions in the most convenient way. If you are curious and get started with the NHS online prescription service, here’s what you need to know.
Is it mandatory to use the service?
It is entirely your choice whether or not you want to use the NHS online prescription service. It is on you whether to switch from printed prescription to online prescription. The NHS has stated that in future, the Electronic Prescription Service will become the default option for patients who take regular medicine.
The NHS online prescription service is also largely targeted at patients requiring repeat medicine for managing their chronic ailment. The service will spare you from frequently visiting a GP just to collect a prescription.
Who will offer the NHS online prescription service?
The service is offered by a public and private healthcare service. You should sign up for the Electronic Prescription Service if you get your repeat prescription from the NHS.
You must take a good look at all the online prescription service providers available in the UK, and then choose a suitable one if you want to use private healthcare service to get your repeat medicine.
Most private providers will offer delivery to your chosen UK address as a part of their service.
How can I avail the NHS online prescription service?
First and foremost, you need to register with your doctor who offers the Electronic Prescription Service. Second, you must register a pharmacy from where you collect your medicine once it is ready for collection. With an online pharmacy such as Pharmacy Outlet, you will receive your prescription medicine to your home.
Apart from offering the NHS online prescription service, Pharmacy Outlet sends you a reminder mail about when to re-order your regular medication before you run out of your supply.