Monday, 4 September 2017

Benefits Of The Electronic Prescription Service

electronic prescription service

The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is a free public service initiated by the NHS England. It reduces the need for patients to visit their GP practice just to pick up a paper prescription for collecting their medicines.

You have the right to choose the place you wish to send your prescriptions and get your medications. Choosing a pharmacy to process your EPS is called “nomination”. You can nominate the most convenient pharmacy that is near to your home.

Your GP practice or your chemist can record a nomination for you, which is flexible and you can change or cancel it at any time.

Once you nominate a pharmacy, your GP sends your prescription electronically so that you can get your regular medications. Your prescription is safely sent by your GP practice using the NHS secure database, and will only be seen by your prescriber, your pharmacy, and the NHS authorities.

The prescription here is an electronic message; hence, there is no handwritten script to lose.

Benefits for doctors
  • can process prescriptions more efficiently
  • can have good control over the prescription
  • can spend less time dealing with prescription queries
  • can give more time to patients who need additional support 
Benefits for pharmacists
  • can process single as well as repeat prescriptions more efficiently
  • can spend less time sorting out prescriptions and have less paper work to submit to the NHS
  • can have improved control over the stock of the medicines 
Benefits for patients
  • can collect their prescriptions directly from a pharmacy without having to visit their GP practice
  • will not have a handwritten script to lose or misplace
  • do not require spending more time waiting in the pharmacy store
The Electronic Prescription Service is reliable, secure and confidential. Pharmacy Outlet, a UK’s registered online pharmacy, offers the EPS service to patients in England. Nominate Pharmacy Outlet and avail the benefits of the electronic prescription service.

For more information, call 03333 222 400 or email to today.