Monday, 25 September 2017

PharmacyOutlet Celebrates World Pharmacists Day

World Pharmacists Day

World Pharmacists Day was the idea of the International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP), which is observed every year on 25th September. As designated by the FIP Council in the late 2000s in the Istanbul, Turkey, 25 September is dedicated to the pharmacists who work towards the health and well-being of people.

FIP encourages the pharmacists of all over the world to use this special day to organise activities that advocate and promote the role of a pharmacist in improvising healthcare. The objective of this day is to bring attention to the positive benefits offered by the pharmacists through various events.

Each year, FIP announces a different theme so that pharmacists and other individuals working in the sector of pharmaceutical industry can conduct national campaigns and events to display the good work they constantly do in improving the health and well-being of people across the globe. Events may include holding exhibitions, giving lectures, or organising activities to demonstrate the importance of pharmacists and other healthcare professionals.

The theme of World Pharmacists Days 2017 is “From research to health care: Your pharmacist is at your service”.

This year’s theme was chosen to contemplate the numerous contributions a pharmacy professional does to improve your health. The contributions include research and development of medications, educating future pharmacists and pharmaceutical researchers, and providing direct care.

FIP always emphasises that pharmacy professionals are the backbone of heathcare. It believes that taking care of patients starts with understanding and recognising the health issues of people, and developing certain plans, medications and policies to tackle them. Pharmacists are often there from the beginning of the process i.e. when the first molecule is invented to treat a disease.

This World Pharmacists Day, PharmacyOutlet appreciates the value of the pharmacists and their impact on improving health. From healthcare advice to supplying medications to providing the NHS Electronic Prescription Service, the pharmacists of PharmacyOutlet are always there for you. Call 03333 222 400, “Your pharmacist is at your service”!