Thursday, 20 July 2017

Benefits of Using the Electronic Prescription Service

Electronic Repeat Prescription Service

The Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) is an incredible service initiated by the National Health Service (NHS). It dramatically reduces the number of visits to your GP surgery just to pick up a paper script of medicine.

You have the right to choose the place you would want to send your prescriptions and collect your medicines. Choosing a chemist to process your prescription is called “nomination”. You can choose the most convenient pharmacy that is near to your home.

The GP practice and pharmacy will record your nomination for you, which is flexible and confidential. You can change or cancel the nomination after speaking to your GP and pharmacy.

Once you choose the pharmacy, your GP will be able to send your prescriptions electronically. Your prescribing doctor, pharmacy and NHS authorities will have access to your prescription.

Your nominated pharmacy will receive the prescription electronically to dispense and deliver your medicine. The prescription is an electronic message, so there would be no paper prescription to lose.

Benefits to GPs

  • can process prescriptions in a timely and efficient manner  
  • can have good control on managing many prescriptions 
  • can spend less time dealing with prescription queries

Benefits to Pharmacists

  • can process one-off and repeat prescriptions more efficiently
  • can spend less time arranging and sorting paper scripts
  • can have less or no paper work to send to the NHS
  • can have good control over the medicine stock

Benefits to Patients

  • can collect their medications directly from the pharmacy they nominate without paying a visit to their GP
  • will not have a handwritten paper prescription to lose
  • need not require spending more time waiting in the pharmacy store

The Electronic Prescription Service is safe, reliable, secure and confidential. You can nominate Pharmacy Outlet to get started with the electronic prescription service. The pharmacy will organise everything for you.

Call 03333 222 400 to get more information on the NHS Electronic Prescription Service.