The NHS online prescription service is specifically designed to help one save time and money by managing their repeat prescriptions online.
Unquestionably, a patient can save a lot of time and money just by sending their repeat prescriptions from their GP to a nominated chemist, with the help of internet. The NHS online prescription service is the best service when it comes to meeting your prescription needs, instead of going to a GP each time when you want to collect a paper prescription.
The NHS online prescription service allows you to order and manage your repeat prescription in an efficient manner. It is imperative to know something about the NHS online prescription service if you want to use it.
Using the NHS online prescription is compulsory?
No. It depends on a patient whether or not to choose online prescriptions over paper prescriptions. The NHS has stated that, in near future, the Electronic Prescription Service (EPS) will be the default option for patients who have chronic conditions and require repeat prescription.
The NHS online prescription service is largely targeted at patients who need repeat medications. This service prevents a patient from visiting a GP practice more times than required.
Who will offer the NHS online prescription service?
The NHS online prescription service is offered by the public as well as private medical services. You must sign up for the NHS Electronic Prescription Service if your GP issues a repeat prescription.
You should find an online prescription service provider in UK and nominate it if you want to get started with the NHS online prescription service.
Most private healthcare services offer free delivery to your preferred address as a part of their service.
How to use the service?
You need to ask your GP whether or not he offers the Electronic Prescription Service. It is essential that you nominate a registered chemist from where you can collect your medicine. With a web pharmacy such as Pharmacy Outlet, you will get your prescription medication delivered to your home.
In addition, Pharmacy Outlet will send you a free reminder service to prevent you from running out of supply.